Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I hold my baby?

Jackson ALWAYS wants to hold Everson--always! He asks me every time I sit down with him, or nurse him, or go to put him in his car seat. He just wants to help and love on him! So the other day, I let him. All by himself. Honestly, I even ran out of the room to grab an extra CF card for the camera--and by ran, I mean darted and yelled "Hold on to him Jackson! DON'T DROP HIM!" I was out of the room for about .5 seconds...oh, the joy of a second child! You realize they bounce! I wasn't worried at all, and when I sprinted BACK in the room, he was still in his big brother's arms--safe! Good job Jackson!!

Wow, Everson look so big here...bad angle Mommy!!


Anonymous said...

Such cute little guys! That Ev is a little chunker!!! AV

Ramie Babcock said...

He sure looks like it, huh!?! How is Jenna? She had that baby girl yet?!