Tuesday, February 2, 2010

GG Jane

On Saturday, Daddy-O and Jackson headed in to Houston to Grandma Vera's house to help paint and move some stuff. They are getting ready to put her house on the market, and everyone was pitching in. Me, I had to work. I was finally going to have the house to myself for the ENTIRE day so that I could finish weddings/dvds/books, etc. Just me and Ev....and Ev wanted to be held! His mouth is really hurting him--poor baby is just about to cut teeth, I think. He had a fever on Thursday night (mild 100.1*). I headed up to Kroger at 11:30 for Tylenol and Teething Tablets. The tablets helped. He's been chomping on EVERYTHING and drooling like crazy. Jackson got BOTH of his bottom front teeth at 6 months, but Mom said I got my first two teeth at 4 months, so we'll see!

GG Jane came over to play with Everson, and Mommy got a bunch of stuff done! Tablets and teething rings helped entertain baby Ev....he's such a good boy! Even through the pain, he's still a sweetheart.

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