Thursday, January 21, 2010

Great Day!

Today was fabulous. I really need to start blogging more about our day-to-day stuff, because it's during the day-to-day that the fun/funny things happen! And Everson is just growing like a weed, and discovering new things, that I'm going to forgot more than half of it. It's a fact. I have a horrible memory.

Yesterday was my "get my shit together" day. I needed to attack the playroom (there were toys everywhere, and it became a catch-all after the holidays...uhhhgg!) and clean out the closets. Everson is now officially in 3-6 month clothes, but closer to the 6 month sizes! It's unreal to me! Jackson was so proportioned....he was small. Everson is just a bigger kid in comparison. I wouldn't say he's a FAT baby, he's just a bigger baby. I fed/feed them the same, so I'm not sure how Ev is that much bigger. We have a friend who's baby girl Caroline is the same age--and she's so tiny! And then there is my football player Ev! It's pretty funny!

So after staying in my jammies all day and cleaning, I finally got out of the house! I dropped Jackson off at school and came home to meet the refrigerator repair man. Yup. Our compressor/compressor blade went out and was making a TERRIBLE noise! And, $205.00 later, I will have a repaired fridge again by tomorrow. Something I've learned after having to get it fixed twice this year--sell fridge with home. DO NOT MOVE!! From moving from the old house to storage, then sitting in storage for 2 months, then storage to new house, it's just not the same!

As soon as the fridge guy left, my friend Paige came by to go to lunch. We headed down to Kemah for a lunch date with the gals (Melissa, baby Caroline, Rachel, baby Sunny, Me, Everson, Paige) at a fabulous Greek restaurant! Soo good! After lunch, it was time to dash and pick Jackson up from school, and take off on our bike riding adventure! I had told him the night before that we would go on a long nature ride, and he didn't forget.

I put the bike and the stroller in the van, picked up my Mom, and we headed over to the Lake to walk. I like walking the path at the lake because I don't have to worry about any cars or Jackson being in the street. He can get a little ways ahead of us, and I don't worry. After our walk, we let Jackson play at the playground for about 20 minutes.

I was dropping Mom off, when Ms Nichole got home, so we sat in the driveway and drank iced tea and held babies and gossiped about the neighbors!

Now, I just got done folding one load of laundry and watching Real housewives! All the boys are in bed...sleeping like babies!!

No pictures today, but I will be getting some tomorrow of Everson and Jackson. I have to get a few shots of Everson in his Jumperoo!! He LOVES LOVES LOVES it!!y!!

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