Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Ladies of Women MD

Two weeks ago, I had my final post-op check up at Dr. Taylor's office. At 6 weeks, I was still in alot of pain. If you pushed on my stomach, it hurt. Basically, it was taking me longer to heal than it did with Jackson. I was working out at 5 weeks after Jackson--lifting weights and all. I haven't lifted anything but a cookie since I having Everson...great.

At that appointment, I made it a point to take pictures of all the FABULOUS ladies that I now call my friends: the nurses and support staff at Women MD! They are so wonderful! They supported me through my great pregnancy with Jackson, they were sympathic and sweet during my miscarriage, and the put up with my whiny ass with Everson!!

The ladies in the front are great!! Marcia (the one holding Everson) could seriously be part of our family, we love her that much!! I always looked forward to seeing her smiling face! And I can't WAIT for her to be a grandma--I pray for it often!

The sweetest and coolest ultrasound technician around--Rosio! She is a doll!! I didn't get to see her as often as I would have liked, b/c I was at Dr. Rowe's office alot with this one. She apologized to Everson when she met him the first time for poking him while he was still in my tummy! HA! :)
The greatest nurses--ShaMYRA ( we call her Myra) was my main nurse (the one holding Everson). She LOVES my Jackson--she thinks his is so cool! And she ALWAYS gave him a dum dum, so that made her his fav too!!

And finally, Dr. Taylor! She's brought both my miracles into this world, and made my incisions nearly invisible!! YAY!! HA! She's wonderful!!

I'm going to miss seeing them once a month....Thankfully, at 8 weeks, I'm feeling much better!

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