Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sponge Bath

Although Everson still has his umbilical cord, I still felt like he needed a little sponging off. And selfishly, I LOVE the smell of babies just out of the bath! If I could give him a bath every day, I would!! Getting all the bath items out brought back so many memories--Jackson's first bath at our last house was in the kitchen too--but Daddy gave him his first bath so I could take TONS of pictures. This time, Mommy got the privilage of sponging him off--and Jackson was a HUGE helper! We got all the stuff out: his towel, the washcloth, the lotion and baby wash, the finger nail clippers, the Q-tips, his diaper and change of clothes...we were all set! As soon as Jackson pulled his chair over, we were ready! Everson did REALLY well, although he HATES to be naked and cold! He was quiet and calm for abot 2 minutes, then started wailing!! We got his little butt washed quick quick and then bundled him all up!

Jackson was a GREAT big brother and gently put lotion all over Everson--"to make him soft!" Ahhhh, I could just eat him up! He smelled sooooo good!! :)

1 comment:

GG Jane said...

Two beautiful boys. You're very blessed and I love you all!!