Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Week Check-up

I can't believe 2 weeks has gone by already! Little brother is growing and growing, and it makes me sad :( I said the same thing when Jackson was a baby, but I'll tell you right now, if this baby phase goes too fast, I could seriously consider another one (wait, someone slap me! Or remind me how MISERABLE this pregnancy was!! Obviously, it was all worth it, b/c I'm completely in love all over again!!)

We had our appointment with Dr. Perona at 9:30 and didn't get in to see her til 10:00am...that's the part of doctor's offices that I hate. Waiting. I know they are busy, but they schedule you 15 minutes apart, knowing full well that the appointments take longer than 15 minutes when you add in all the computer documenting they have to do for each patient after they see you. So, common sense would tell you to schedule them about 35 minutes apart...duh....and they are supposed to be the smart educated ones. Geesh!!

Of course, just before they call us back, Everson gets hungry. So, I pull out the Hooter Hider and start to nurse, just as they open the door and call our name. Funny thing: I'm so used to hearing Jackson's named called at stuff, that when the nurse called out "Everson!", I didn't respond! It took me a minute to register that "Oh! That's my kid! I have another one now!!" Very awkward moment for a new mom of another baby....

We got him measured: 8 lbs 4 oz 21 inches long

He's gained a whole pound since we brought him home! YAY!! I was concerned that he wasn't nursing enough--he's a grazer. He feeds for about 5 minutes, falls asleep, wakes about 10 minutes later, feeds some more....and he's a cluster feeder. Jackson would feed every 2-3 hours and drain a side at each feeding. Everson has been feeding every 2-3 hours, then every hour on the hour, sometimes for 20 minutes, sometimes for 5 he needs a little snack or something! I hope he becomes more efficient! But as long as he's gaining weight, I'm happy!! :)

Dr. Perona said he looks great. I asked her about his umbilical cord--it STILL has not fallen off! We've kept it clean and dry, it's just still stuck on there!! She said his cord was THICK, he was very well fed in the womb apparently, and to clean it with some alcohol for the next couple of days. Then, she took her swab and some alcohol and just went to town cleaning and moving and peeling--she got a lot of it off. She's more brave then I am--I hate that part!!

Then she asked me "Are you exclusively breast feeding again?" Yup! And proud of it! "You'll need to supplement with iron drops. Poly-Vi-Sol. It's recommended.", many of you know that I'm pretty educated--I read ALOT of baby books and websites and I'm very cautious on information I take and consider. And I'm pretty stubborn. Really, I know what's best for my kids. If I don't, I find out. And EVERYTHING I have EVER read has said that breast fed babies get ALL of there nutrients, with the exception of Vitamin D, from breast milk. And I nursed Jackson exclusively for 6 months, until he started solid foods, and even then, he was only nursed. If you recall, he was a FABULOUSLY healthy baby--and he's smart as a whip!
So at this point, I'm not supplementing. I have bought the vitamin drops, but I'm hesitant to give them to him. I'm not a fan of giving a BABY anything that CREATED by MAN!

At the same time, she asked me about the flu shot. I have NEVER gotten a flu shot. I didn't get one with Jackson while I was nursing--again, not a fan of flu shots. Jackson got a flu shot at 6 months and has for the last 2 years. More than likely, I'll be getting him a regular flu shot, but I am sure as HELL not giving him the Swine Flu shot. I'll probably eat my words on this one, and he'll end up sick, but I'm one that has read up on that thing, and I'm not a fan. I'm going to end it with that. No debating, just my opinion. Other mom's know what's best for their kids, but for mine, they aren't getting it.

When we left, we scheduled his 2 month appointment, and then headed to the hospital for Everson to get his 2nd PKU shot. If you recall, Memaw went with us to get Jackson's 2nd PKU, and he CRIED and SCREAMED, and HATED it....she even promised him a pony when it was all over with!

Well, no pony for Everson! I had prepped Jackson that Everson was getting a shot and that he would be sad and cry and that maybe Jackson could hold his hand while he got his shot to make him feel better....he didn't need to. Everson mearly winced. That's it. A small flinch, a little squeal, and then back to snoozing!! HA!! Such a good boy!! Aunt Tacey was the same way--shots never bothered her. So it's looking like Jackson is a needle woos like his Momma, and Everson is a champ like his Aunt Tacey! HA!

When we were leaving, we ran into my labor and deliver nurse from when I had Jackson--Miss Mary! My goodness, she is so nice! I really loved her that day!! I don't think I could have made it through that whole day without her!!

1 comment:

Aunt Tacey said...

I hear this little guy is like his Aunt Tacey. Not afraid of shots/needles. Way to go Everson!!!!